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Create Futures: a Movement for the creation of desirable futures
Page last modified 14:28, 1 Aug 2012 by
From $1Table of contentsNo headers“The future is born from dreams of the past and choices of the present” - Create Futures Why? Nowadays, the images of the future that mass media disseminates are scary, sad, hostiles. It is necessary to dream and plant seeds of images and ideas of desirable futures that can inspire innovation and orientate choices, above all aimed at the change of models that we need for a better, desirable and possible world. Having this in mind we created the IberoAmerican Create Futures Movement that develops methodologies and digital platforms to facilitate the creation of desirable futures. One of these is the www.criefuturos,com, a multimedia encyclopedia of desirable futures which already has an important collection of created futures. Create Futures wants to motivate and mobilize, inspire choices and identify opportunities for innovation. Through meetings and on line activities, it invites people, communities and institutions to answer the question: “If everything was possible, which future would you wish for?” In 2009 the Movement went a long way forward thanks to the support of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) and to the New Brazils/Oi Future Program. Iberoamerican nucleus were set in Uruguay (Traful), Spain (Transit), Dominican Republic (Revista Lengua), Peru (Realidad Virtual), Chile (Mosaico Cultural), Argentina (Centro de Expresiones Contemporâneas). The work develops strongly in Uruguai and Create Futures was considered of public utility. In 2009 the Movement went a long way forward thanks to the support of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) and to the New Brazils/Oi Future Program. Iberoamerican nucleus were set in Uruguay (Traful), Spain (Transit), Dominican Republic (Revista Lengua), Peru (Realidad Virtual), Chile (Mosaico Cultural), Argentina (Centro de Expresiones Contemporâneas). The work develops strongly in Uruguai and Create Futures was considered of public utility. We implemented thematic seminaries, workshops, creative experiments and other activities. For more detailed information, you can access the whole history description in this web site or in our Net.We implemented thematic seminaries, workshops, creative experiments and other activities. For more detailed information, you can access the whole history description in this web site or in our Net. From July 2010 on, we initiated an interactive work of creation of futures simultaneous to exhibitions and events that have a large public attendance.From July 2010 on, we initiated an interactive work of creation of futures simultaneous to exhibitions and events that have a large public attendance.
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