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Última modificação 12:33, 20 Set 2010 por admin
De $1“The future is born from the dreams of the past and the choices of the present” Lala Deheinzelin Our WIKIFUTURES is easy to use and allocates the collection of Create Futures, a movement that stimulates the creation of vision of desirable futures which can then become part of the imaginary and feed the future. In this way, they are able to be a motor for action, to inspire choices as well as identify opportunities. In the WIKIFUTURES you have access to the visions of hundreds of people who have answered the question: “If everything were possible, which future would I want?”You can also:
The WIKI builds up bodies of knowledge through cooperation: users create new contents or change previously published contents. Such an interactive and dynamic process generates data that reveals the knowledge, characteristics, history and potential of the communities and countries of the users. You start by answering the question: “If anything were possible, which future would I want?” You allow yourself to wish without worrying whether your ideas are viable or plausible. Get unattached to the present and think of the premiss “if anything were possible…” Do not think about criticizing the present, think of Imagining Solutions. Create your vision of a desirable future. Cooperate. Add up! Create the future!
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